Why Poetry Matters
An Introduction to Poetry, Part I
Poetry is essential to inner life. We have a viewpoint on everything around us, and our view “through a glass, darkly” means that instead of seeing what is true, we see our perspective. It is through meditating on what we know to be true, self-awareness, and introspection that our perspective can be straightened out to align with what is true; meditation — in different forms — is considered essential in every major religion. Contemplation of nature reveals that “Everything in life tries to be a circle” in the words of J. C. High Eagle; everything is looking for a single center point about which to base their lives, something external. Poetry is what we call the attempt to transmit our thoughts about the eternal and the beautiful.
There are plenty of reasons to think of poetry as the crown of Art, the highest form of transmittable communication. Art is pointing at rainbows in the rain; it is making those whose eyes are filled with raindrops see the beauty and light in the world — sometimes by emphasizing dark and tortured themes. Art elevates and draws us out of the mundane. Art is the closest we can come to creating magic. Video is captivating, but requires expensive tools and copious time — poetry needs only a voice.
As a critical part of our inner life, poetry is essential to connecting with those who are unlike us. Poets and bards have been able to transform relationships and encourage empathy — it didn’t start with “What happens to a dream deferred?” Think of commercial jingles, and now think of Homer reciting his Illiad: Poetry and especially poetic forms make something memorable and potent as well as pretty and flowing, drawing the audience onward and into the message to consider it deeply.
As such, I believe every writer — casual personal, business marketer, fiction novelist, all writers — ought to pay attention to poetry and how to use it. It will make your viewpoint easier to express. It will connect you with your audience. It will reveal what you’re passionate about in an authentic way that reaches deep into the soul.
Even your own.